From the course: Git Essential Training

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Challenge: Make a change and revert

Challenge: Make a change and revert

From the course: Git Essential Training

Challenge: Make a change and revert

- We've made it to the end of the chapter. I think you're up for another challenge. (upbeat music) We are going to make some changes and then revert some of them. So what you're going to do? First, you're going to create a file called "," which is a markdown file. Add a line in there that says "This is an important file." Now stage and commit the file, like we did in the previous chapter. Add a new line that says "This is an important update to the important file." Stage this and commit it. You've now made a change. Now we're going to create a folder called "important folder". And you drag the file to it. Stage and commit this. Finally, we want to move the file out of the folder. So you're going to revert back to the previous version. You can do this all locally just by committing. But you can also do it remotely by pushing in between. That's up to you.
