From the course: Getting Started with Power BI

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Subscribe to a dashboard

Subscribe to a dashboard

- [Instructor] For the dashboards that you use frequently, you can take advantage of Power BI subscription service and request having a snapshot of this dashboard sent to you on a basis that you specify. To subscribe to a dashboard, first, open it up, click the subscribe button here on the toolbar and I'm going to then add a new subscription. This is coming from the sales and marketing sample. It's going to be sent to Charles. 'Cause I'm logged into Charles account. And don't just click save and close here. Do a little more work because you have the ability to add a subject and a message and every email should have a subject. But more importantly than that, imagine that you're looking at three or four different dashboards that have to do with sales and marketing. You might want to name this dashboard very specifically in the subject and you might want to put something like Dashboard and then what the dashboard is or…
