From the course: Getting Started with Power BI

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Spotlight and bookmark reports

Spotlight and bookmark reports - Power BI Tutorial

From the course: Getting Started with Power BI

Spotlight and bookmark reports

- [Instructor] You've probably already noticed we have some of the same tools available here in reports that we had in our dashboards. For example, under File, we can save a copy of this report, we can print this page of the report. Under Export, we can send the data from this report to Excel. We can send it to PowerPoint if we wish, or we could send it to a PDF so that we could print it or share it in that way for people who don't have access to Power BI. We can share this by sending a link to someone in our organization, remembering that they need to have access to a Power BI license to be able to do that. And if you have Teams, you can share directly to Teams. You can also share by email, and you can copy a link here. And those options were broadly available to us in our dashboards as well. We can chat about this in Teams the same way we did in a dashboard. We can get insights, as we have done earlier. If you have…
