From the course: Getting Started with Power BI

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Show or export the data behind a visualization

Show or export the data behind a visualization - Power BI Tutorial

From the course: Getting Started with Power BI

Show or export the data behind a visualization

- [Instructor] Remembering that every one of these visualizations is built directly on data from a common data set, if I want to see what the data is behind a particular visualization, I can easily do that. We did this once earlier. I'm on the growth opportunities page of my report looking at the column chart that's total units by segment. Click the more button and I'm going to choose show us table and I'll be taken to another page with my data on the top and my table down below here. I'm going to return back to my report and another option that I have is to export my data. So if I choose export data I'll be exporting it to Microsoft Excel by default but I can only do that with 150,000 rows. I can also send it to a CSV file but I have an even lower limit, so if I'm working with really large data sets I'm almost always going to use Excel. And so, I'm asked what I want to export I can export the summarized data for the…
