From the course: Getting Started with Power BI

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Power BI reports vs. dashboards

Power BI reports vs. dashboards - Power BI Tutorial

From the course: Getting Started with Power BI

Power BI reports vs. dashboards

- As we transition from working with dashboards to working with reports, I'd like to compare them so you see how they are different and how they're somewhat the same. In a dashboard as you've seem, a dashboard is just one page, we can scroll up, scroll down, but it's not a multiple page vehicle like the reports we've seen. Remember though that with a dashboard you can include tiles that came from different datasets. So, we could create a dashboard that had a few tiles from the dashboard we've been working with now, but a few tiles from a dashboard that we haven't even opened yet, that we can then add to a new dashboard. We can set alerts on dashboard tiles. Q&A is built into dashboards in the upper left hand corner and in a dashboard each tile is independent in part because those tiles don't of necessity, come from the same report. So each and every tile stands on its own. Each report can have multiple pages like the…
