From the course: Getting Started with Power BI

Are you a Power BI consumer? - Power BI Tutorial

From the course: Getting Started with Power BI

Are you a Power BI consumer?

- [Instructor] Until recently, there was only one role in Power BI, and that was Power BI user. You'd ask a colleague, "Do you use Power BI?" And they'd say, "Yeah, I do?" But as more organizations adopted Power BI, Microsoft came to understand that there are at least two different types of Power BI users, designers, and consumers. This is a really broad brush. There are actually many more roles than this. There are administrators, and there are designers who only design specific types of content, but broad brush, designers and consumers. Designers create content in Power BI from scratch. Consumers use the content that is created by the designers. And as consumers, we can modify that content. We can sort, we can filter, we can, in some cases, change the types of visualizations that are being used and we can even save some of the modifications that we make for our own use, but we cannot damage the original content even accidentally. So we're always working a little BIt one off, and that means that we have a lot of freedom to try things because we can't break anything. Now, if you're already using Power BI and you are ready to create reports and dashboards from scratch, this is not your course. Check out Power BI Essential Training because that's the course where you'll learn to design reports and dashboards. And if you're already working in Power BI and you want to be able to create data models, then you should view Learning Power BI Desktop. Both of these courses are in the LinkedIn Learning Library. But if you are new to Power BI and your role is to use Power BI dashboards and Power BI reports created by others, then you're in exactly the right place. You're also in the right place if you don't know what dashboards and reports are. You will by the time we're done. And regardless of your Power BI experience, if you want to understand how Power BI is used by end users in the business, then you're also in the right place. Assuming that you're in the right place right now, let's continue.
