From the course: Getting Started with Power BI

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Add a comment to a tile or dashboard

Add a comment to a tile or dashboard - Power BI Tutorial

From the course: Getting Started with Power BI

Add a comment to a tile or dashboard

- [Instructor] You can add a comment to a dashboard, or a specific tile on a dashboard, to start or continue a conversation. To comment on the dashboard as a whole, we use this comment button right here at the top on the toolbar. So if you click, it tells you that this is the sales and marketing sample. If there were other comments here you could see them and use the previous and next buttons to work your way through them. And note that it says you can at mention people, so I actually want to at mention someone in my comment, and my comment is, great dashboard, you'd probably want to say something more specific than this, but maybe not. And I'm going to thank me for it, because I'm doing it from Charles account. Makes me feel good, a little praise from Charles. And I'm going to post this. Now remember when you mention someone, that they will get information about this in the notification center, which is kind of cool.…
