From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

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Why create user parameters?

Why create user parameters? - Fusion 360 Tutorial

From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

Why create user parameters?

- [Instructor] If you like to keep things organized, I have a treat for you. I'm going to go in and create a sketch right here. And, I'm going to create some circles. Let's say we're creating something that looks like little pillars that we need to extrude out and I'm creating all of these. All right. Now I'm going to extrude them, so I'm going to select one and two, try to select all of these here, that all works. It takes a little while to select all of these. And I'm going to extrude them. All right, we have pillars. But, each one of these needs a new filet. So, that is a filet of that, and I'm going to go in, and actually I can go back into the filet command and click new selection on that one, and each one of these is going to get a new and different filet amount. And so on and so forth. I have created one filet command, but inside of this there are three different numbers for different filet radii. Here is the trick. If you go to modify to change parameters, a window will come…
