From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

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What is surface modeling?

What is surface modeling?

- [Nick] Not to be outdone with the sculpting tools in the Create Form environment, Fusion 360 has a fairly robust set of surface modeling tools. I've loaded up the 2-17 Surface Modeling Example file and by default we have two solid bodies that are enabled with visibility. So if we look at these, they are perfectly normal solid bodies, minding their own business. But let's do some neat things with them. Switch over into the Surface Modeling environment, so again, we're in Design, over into Surface, and in Surface, we can do some neat things. Click on this inside face and hit the Delete button, creating a hollow. Do the same thing on the inside face of that rectangular cube and delete it as well. We now have two opposing holes. Let's create a loft. So go to Create Loft and see this is a surface loft because it is orange. You can have Chain Selection turned on. That'll just make it a little bit easier. And click on that profile and click on that profile. And click OK. Ah, pretty nice…
