From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

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What is not covered in this course - Fusion 360 Tutorial

From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

What is not covered in this course

I want to warn you we will be talking a lot in this video about what we are not going over because there is quiet a bit in Fusion above and beyond the basic solid modeling tools. You're going to be spending most of your design time in the design environment. There are other parts of Fusion that we'll go over in a future video. I want to briefly say that generative design, animation, simulation and manufacturing all require you to have a full fledged module in order to use those services. Generative design is one of the hot new things with 3D Modeling and stands to revolutionize how models are made once the software becomes a little bit more well known. Generative Design creates different design studies based on constraints. You would say in the case of this model, that this little pad right here this little pad on the four corners, would stay the same. You need little mounting screw holes. And it needs to withstand twenty, thirty pounds of force. This looks, maybe, like a drone body…
