From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

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What Fusion 360 does

What Fusion 360 does

- [Instructor] Congratulations, you decided to learn about Fusion 360. So let me help you understand what Fusion 360 does. Fusion 360 is a solid modeling tool. What that means is it creates 3D models that have the physical characteristics of things in the real world. A hunk of steel, wood, even air. Fusion 360 is not all about solid modeling though, it has quite a bit of other tools that surround the main modality of 3D modeling for rapid prototyping, manufacturing, simulation, documentation, generative design. I'll go into these in the rest of the class, but I would invite you to go to the Fusion 360 homepage at From here you could learn about what Fusion 360 does on this kind of slick webpage. Fusion 360 does quite a bit besides just solid modeling. It helps you manufacture your items using CNC tool paths. It helps you document your designs, and it even helps you in the area of generative design, create models that could never be made by an actual…
