From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

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User interface refresher

User interface refresher

- [Instructor] Now I want to reiterate how you get around inside of Fusion 360. I want to remind you that I am using this 3D mouse, so you get some very nice movement with this mouse. Most of you will start out by clicking and dragging the view cube, which works as well. Or holding down the Shift key and your middle mouse button will also rotate around. As you can see, this little icon right here lights up. You have free orbit and constrained orbit. When you have a constrained orbit, you can rotate around, but it is harder to move the object in a constrained orbit. You want to keep it on free, usually. Now, you have the view cube here. By clicking on it, you get different views, and you have different display settings down in the bottom. When I click on this, it actually overflows the screen, but you can click on this to see the different effects. If you click on your name at the top and go to Preferences, you have some more control over how Fusion 360 shows you its user interface…
