From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

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Translating your design into a sketch

Translating your design into a sketch - Fusion 360 Tutorial

From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

Translating your design into a sketch

- [Instructor] In the previous video, I discussed how important it is to get measurements. Now, measurements will inform the mechanical aspects of your modeling. You would create a box or a headphone hanger to specific measurements. But if you create something like this, is this necessarily beautiful? Would somebody in the world want to purchase it? Compare that to a box of a similar size, but this box, when 3D printed or prototyped, would be much nicer to hold in somebody's hand than this one. That's because of the tangent connections and even though you can see little edges inside of here, in the real world, this would be a nice pillowy shape that would fit into somebody's hand. The difference between this sort of mechanical design and this more artistic one, is the difference between a mechanical engineer and what's called an industrial designer. Now, I am not an industrial designer by any means. But I can say that when you are planning out your design, you want to take into…
