From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

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The importance of edges

The importance of edges

- [Instructor] In this video, I want to talk about the importance of edges. Edges are essentially anything with a black line on it that forms, yes, an edge, but it is also a path. So in this example, I have brought in the lamp that is part of the example files for Fusion 360, and I would like you to open that as well. We're going to create a sketch, and we're going to create a sketch on the front plane like this, great. Click on create, project include, intersect. Now what we want is not the body, but we want the selection filter to be specified entities. So if you click on that, what we're looking for is to get the intersection of this line. So this is actually an edge, and if you click on this edge, you may not think that it does anything, but when you click OK, you will see a dot. And what that dot is is where the edge, so this line, intersects this plane. You can also click on slice right here to see it more plainly. Now click on center diameter circle, and lock your circle to…
