From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

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The importance of cleanliness

The importance of cleanliness - Fusion 360 Tutorial

From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

The importance of cleanliness

- [Instructor] I've said it before and I will say it again, keeping your workspace organized is critically important when you're working on larger assemblies. I've opened up the 3-9 Sample File and you'll notice that some things are going on here. I have two not really objects, these are components. They have their own hierarchies inside of the design tree, they have their own bodies, sketches, construction planes, all of that. How did I get that? Well, I went to Create New Component and I did that right at the beginning of the design. I created a component called the base and then a component called the wire. And the reason I did that, I showed this in a previous video is that when you create new components, you have separate timelines for those components. If I click on the dot next to the space, that activates it and I can see that this base is made up of three operations. The box primitive, a sketch and then an extrusion. If I switch over to wire and activate that component, this…
