From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

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Team and client collaboration

Team and client collaboration - Fusion 360 Tutorial

From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

Team and client collaboration

- [Instructor] I talked a little bit in the previous video about how to edit designs using a browser, and I want to go into a little bit more detail on how to share designs. You can collaborate with people very easily inside of Fusion 360 because it is a cloud application, and cloud applications are centered around multiple people using different aspects of the software. If you right-click on any design, again I'm in the Data Panel here, if you don't see the Data Panel, you can click on these nine cubes up here and get the Data Panel. Right-clicking on any of these designs and say Share Public Link, opens up a public link sharer, gives you an automatically generated URL, which you can copy to your clipboard, and by default, the design is downloadable and with no password. Usually, I turn this off and I turn on the password. I'll put a secure password like that, and then when you click Copy, you are able to see that design online. So if I click here, and go to the link, it will ask for…
