From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

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Take a step back

Take a step back

- A lot of people are very excited about jumping into the software and starting to use it, and I don't blame them. Solid modeling is fun, the software is powerful, and the Fusion 360 galleries are full of beautifully complex designs just waiting to be explored. While you totally can jump in to start using tools, when you actually go to create an actual thing that will exist in the real world, it's good to take a step back and really think about what you're doing. What that means is that it's very easy to take a pair of digital calipers and start measuring something that you'd like to copy, but you run the risk of getting tunnel vision. If you just start taking individual measurements and creating shapes, you may lose sight of the overall picture and the most efficient way to create what you want to create. Take for instance this insulated cup. If you wanted to make a copy of this, it would be very easy to take calipers and start measuring all of the critical features, starting from…
