From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

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Strategy: Outside-in

Strategy: Outside-in

- [Instructor] In the previous video, we talked about how to use an inside out method where you start off with a shape and then build upon it. The other way of conceptualizing a design is the outside in. In this case, we have pretty much all outsides, which means that when we start with an inside and extrude out, we're creating all of what we want. This is a good example for how you would use the inside out methodology to create this shape. If, for example, you wanted to create an electronics enclosure, you would use an outside in methodology. If you create a box of your proper size, this is your critical dimension. You would then create a shell of this, of your wall size, and there you go. You have your box. And now you can start building different features for the inside features of your box. Now, you certainly could create a box using an inside out. In this example, we can go here. We can start creating the different box sixes. We would offset the walls, bring the walls out like…
