From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

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Sketch and extrude the starter profile

Sketch and extrude the starter profile - Fusion 360 Tutorial

From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

Sketch and extrude the starter profile

- [Instructor] Picking up from where we left off in the previous video, I am loaded with the 6-8 example file. We have one arc right here, and that is a good basis to start our modeling. Double click on the sketch at the bottom to enter into the sketch, and for this I'm going to turn off the origin. We don't really need that. If you notice, we have two profiles right here. These are shaded a little bit yellow. If you can't see those, you can turn off the canvas. You can see that these are separate closed profiles. That's because this line that we created in the center is a solid line. If you click on any line, and press the X key, X for Construction, I don't know how that actually works, but Construction, or you can click over here, and say Construction, but now anything you click on is Construction, so I'm going to toggle that off. If you press the X key, that is a good shortcut that will turn that into what's called a construction line. It's used to help guide your sketches, but it…
