From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

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Sketch and extrude a sculpted baseplate

Sketch and extrude a sculpted baseplate - Fusion 360 Tutorial

From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

Sketch and extrude a sculpted baseplate

- Great, we have an arc. Now sometimes when you create forms, if the faces are twisted, and you then thicken them, you cannot create sketches on them. In this case we created a flat arc, even though it's convoluted, but then we use the Thicken command, which results in completely flat planes we can use to create sketches on. So rotate around to the back. Click on Create Sketch on this back plane. This will be our back base plate. We want to keep this more in the organic realm. So click on the Thick Point spline and just create a spline that extends above this. So maybe start somewhere in the center and go around. And it really can be any shape you want as long as it is a closed profile. Going to press Escape to exit there. I can move this around. You can make it vaguely symmetric on top, because I don't want it to be too off. And again you could certainly create a line down here and then put some symmetry on it, but I want this to be this nice little shape like that. Great, and once…
