From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

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Setting up your render stage

Setting up your render stage - Fusion 360 Tutorial

From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

Setting up your render stage

- [Instructor] Once you've created your model, it's good to show it off. Fusion 360 has a photo realistic rendering workspace and let's explore that now. I'm using the eight dash two example file but you can use really any model in this class or one that you've created for this. If you switch over to Design, to Render, you are now in the rendering workspace. This workspace allows you to create photo realistic renders, I'll kind of show you an example right here. This is a photo realistic render that has depth of field applied that maybe if you wanted to highlight some aspect of your model you could have the rest blurred. The way that you set up a render is by choosing an appearance. When you click on this, you are given an option of choosing various different appearances for your model. Now these appearances are not physical materials. Physical materials exist in other places inside of Fusion 360 and govern how simulations are run on this. By default, all materials in Fusion 360 start…
