From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

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Sculpting a plane and editing the form

Sculpting a plane and editing the form - Fusion 360 Tutorial

From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

Sculpting a plane and editing the form

- [Instructor] We have the previous arc from chapter six in this because I want to show you the differences or what you'll create in this video compared to what we'd created previously. For right now, go into bodies and turn off Body1, we don't really need that. Let's go into the Create Form Environment. Click on this purple cube at the top and you've entered into the form environment. This case, we want to click on Plane and we want to create a plane on the top plane right here. So if you orient yourself to see the top and click on this top plane, that is what you want. Hover your mouse so that it clicks over this central origin right here and drag it out. And we don't need to be too exact. We will fix this later. So something that is about as wide, so something about 120 millimeters wide, something probably around 55 millimeters. So something around that and again, we will make this. So click once. You're still in the Create plane. This is pretty simplistic four. We don't want four.…
