From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

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Overview of the timeline

Overview of the timeline

- [Instructor] I want to give a little overview of what the Timeline does. In this example I have created, it looks like some digital calipers. If we turn on my attached canvas, indeed it is, digital calipers. But we've created a parametric Timeline at the bottom. We have a little bar at the end that says we are at the end of the Timeline. You can drag this bar up to go back in time to nothing, where we started. You can step through. You can also play through, and Fusion will kind of decide what to show at different times. It's probably better to step through. And you can step through, sometimes you don't see what was done because the visibility is turned off. But you can see right here that this is an attached canvas, and the visibility's turned off. But when you turn it on you see that that has been added, actually a second canvas. As you step through, you're able to see more and more features. If a feature that you are working on or have created is terribly complex, like a lot of…
