From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

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Making shapes useful

Making shapes useful

- [Instructor] I've loaded up the 4-2 sample file here for our discussion about how to align and otherwise make objects interact with each-other. Sometimes, when you have brought in another design from outside your current design in, it will not come imported in the proper location, or you've created objects like this that you then want to move into their proper place later. There are a couple of ways to do that, so let's show how that happens. Let's go to modify to align. What that does is, just as I said, you can click on an object, like this, and click on an object like that, and then align them. In this case, the align tool is fairly smart. What it said was, when I clicked on A face and A face, it made those faces aligned with each-other. You can see that they are now on the same plane. If I cancel that and go back to align, you can see also that there are these little shapes that appear. In the case of a cylinder, we have an edge that appears. We also have this little cross on…
