From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

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Introduction to creating basic shapes

Introduction to creating basic shapes - Fusion 360 Tutorial

From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

Introduction to creating basic shapes

- Let's go over the Fusion360 interface a little bit. Fusion360's user interface is pretty easy to get used to, but I will have to say right now that you should really be using a 3 button mouse for all CAD things that you do. Which is a left click, a right click, and a middle click. Now, usually the middle click is also a scroll wheel and that is the best way to use all CAD operations. You certainly can use Fusion360 with a trackpad, but it is so much easier to use a 3 button mouse. Also, you'll see me using the user interface in kind of a unique way. I have a 3D mouse that I use with my left hand, so you'll see my mouse moving around as the model moves around. That's because I am controlling this with a 3D mouse that makes these transitions a lot more smooth. So you'll see that. If you'd like to rotate around your model, you have a view cube right here with a little home button. If you ever get lost inside of the user interface, go home, click on the home button and it will return…
