From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

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Intro: Modify and assemble tools

Intro: Modify and assemble tools - Fusion 360 Tutorial

From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

Intro: Modify and assemble tools

- This set of videos talks about the modify and assemble tools. Though Fusion 360 does a lot of things, solid modeling is where it's at for this software product. The modify and assemble tools is where you will accomplish most all of the solid modeling tasks to create your designs. In this set of videos we'll talk about how to make your designs to start off with, but then how to make your designs a little bit nicer and more pleasing for yourself or your end users by adding in round or beveled edges. One of the true powers of solid modeling is not only the ability to create initial shapes, but being able to use sketch entities or even other shapes to subtract from the objects you've already created. As you get more experienced with solid modeling, you'll start to be more comfortable thinking about shapes not only as they exist as positives on the screen, but how they can also be created through the use of other tools cutting into your starting shapes to create other shapes. These are…
