From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

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How to patch and stitch surface models

How to patch and stitch surface models - Fusion 360 Tutorial

From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

How to patch and stitch surface models

- [Instructor] In the previous video, we created this really nice sculpt object to act as our baseplate, but it's completely not done. Let's fix that. I've loaded up the 7-6 example file. Switch over into the surface workspace. For right now, we don't need the original body, so we can turn off body three. We don't need to look at that right now. Body two, remember, created body three. We don't need that, we're just working on this new body four. Now, if you have holes that are complete, contiguous loops, you can fill them in. You can fill them in in the form environment, but it's sometimes hard to get the result that you want, but you don't need to. You can do that in the surface environment using the patch tool. So you are going to be creating new geometry, so you want to look in the create section, and you have patch up here. Also, under create and patch. So click on that, and click on the front, little hole. You see that it says edge one, and it's connected. You can also say just…
