From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

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Fusion 360's environments

Fusion 360's environments

- [Instructor] I mentioned in previous videos that Fusion 360 has different environments. Again, we're not going to go into many of these environments, but I did want to take this video specially to say that Fusion 360's user interface changes based on where you are. In the design environment, as an example, we have this little block that I modeled for the previous video. I can also create a sculpt object and click on Create Form. And you notice that I have something else in here I'm going to show you about later, which I'll turn off, but you already saw it. We are now in a new environment. We're still in DESIGN, but we have FORM here. We have no other options, no sheet metal, no surface modeling. We are just in the FORM environment. This is where you would create the more sculpted aspects of models inside of Fusion 360. And we will certainly get into that in later parts of the class. But we are just in our own environment right here. When we finish this form, this body gets converted…
