From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

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Exporting solid models

Exporting solid models

- [Narrator] Once you have completed your models, it's good to get your models out of Fusion and into the world. There's several ways to do so. One way is to go up to the file picker right here and go to export. When you do that it asks what name you would like and what you'd like to save the model as. You can save it as a Fusion 360 Archive File f3D and where you would like to save it. That's great, but there are also other formats. DWG files if you want to save out sketches. If you scroll down you have STEP Files, IGES Files. When you click on that it asks where you would like to save them. Now, this is a note, in this case, all of these bodies will be exported as a STEP File. If I turn off two of these and go file to export and save it as a STEP File, only the visible bodies will be exported. The visibility is turned off on these, therefore they are not exported. If I went like that and exported as a STEP model, nothing would be exported. A STEP File would be created but it would…
