From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

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Environments: Showing

Environments: Showing

- [Instructor] Once you've created the coolest tray in the entire world, you can show off what you've made. If you switch from Design to Render, you can create photorealistic renderings of your object. Now this is a boring sort of steel object. I'm going to go in here and maybe go down to an interesting material. Instead of metal let's go for, actually I'm going to go even more interesting, down to solid wood. Do some 3D materials like this finished 3D Ash material and drag that on there. So after Fusion thinks about it for a second, you have something that looks kind of not the best, kind of ugly, but it'll get a lot better. We can set this up by going into an environment and maybe putting this in a nice field. So I can drag that on there and actually show the field, like that. Orient it. I could actually go down and set a depth of field for a specific point, like that. Put a little bit more blur on it and then hit this. Fusion 360 will bounce virtual light rays off of this object…
