From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

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Environments: Making

Environments: Making

- [Instructor] Now that you've designed your object and then shown it off in the render workspace, you can actually manufacture it. If you go to the manufacture workspace, this is where you would set-up your object to be C & C milled. Fusion 360 can export G code files that can be fed into a C & C mill to actually carve out your object. So in this case, I'm going to do a set-up and select just a generic three axis machine. Now you see that we have a stock material right there, you can kind of see. That's what's going to be cut out. I'll do an adaptive clearing tool path with a tool. Maybe just a sample tool. Go for a metric tool four millimeter. Say okay. And we can say simulate. So what happens is Fusion 360 will generate a tool path and show you how your object would be milled out with this actual drill and then can save out these tool paths into a G-code file. Can speed this up. Go faster, go slower. Kind of scrub through to different parts in the timeline and see how your object…
