From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

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Environments: Designing

Environments: Designing

- [Instructor] The design environment is where you'll spend most of your time in Fusion 360. You can create, under create, all sorts of different shapes. This case I'll just create a box. There we go, we've created a box. And under the modify menu, allows you to modify what you've created. In this case, I will add a fill it on one side and a shell command on the other. Create a nice little tray. Very nice. You have surface modeling here. So surface modeling allows you to do very interesting things by making your solid models, as you an see here on the left, a nice white cylinder. When I press the delete key, that turns into a surface body with 11 unstitched surfaces. We can now do very interesting things of connecting different surfaces to this. Or generally working in a less constrained way than a solid model. But then again, this is not a solid model. If you wanted to re-solidify this, you would put a patch on it and then stitch the patch into a solid model again. Sheet metal is a…
