From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

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Cutting holes and making it pretty

Cutting holes and making it pretty - Fusion 360 Tutorial

From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

Cutting holes and making it pretty

- [Instructor] Alright, in the last video in this section we need to make some mounting holes, and then make this a little bit prettier. Let's make the mounting holes also in a non-traditional way. What I want you to do is say Create, and say Create Sketch. And you should create it on this bottom plane right here. You can also look to top, rotate around, or hold your mouse down, it doesn't really matter, if you, wherever you're looking from, if you hold your mouse down, then let go of your mouse and select the xy-plane. Alright, we're right on top. Now do a Fit Point Spline. What I want you to do is to click somewhere, kind of on the middle right, and go in, go in, make some loops, make sure that one of those loops passes through and do something like that. The goal of this, and it does not need to end with itself, is to have one of these pass through on each side, but then other ones kind of go through and not go through. It doesn't really matter, press Escape to exit that tool. Now…
