From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

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Browser-based CAD

Browser-based CAD

- [Instructor] I showed briefly in a previous video how Fusion 360 can edit designs in a web browser and I wanted to show a little bit more detail on that. Inside of Fusion 360 you have all of your files and your models on the left hand side. This is not just for mechanical models. You can also have PDFs, images, all sorts of different files inside of here. If you click on your top level name right here you're taken to a webpage which shows your designs. Again, you won't have HoneyPoint3D there, you'll have a different directory tree but underneath my Home right here I have different client work that we do all listed downwards You can see that one of these files is in use but we have different files inside of here. If you click on the down arrow to the right you have some different options for sharing, renaming. But you can also say edit in browser. Fusion 360 will launch a new tab in your browser and after a moment will bring up a browser enabled version of your design. Now you don't…
