From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

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Analysis tools

Analysis tools

- If you're new to the solid modeling world, I have a treat for you. And even if you're not, Fusion 360 has some good things in store for you in the area of analyzing your designs. Fusion 360 offers quite a bit of functionality in this area and those tools are under the Analysis section. We're talking about tools that allow you to measure what you've created, compare certain aspects of your model to other parts of your model, or even see how aesthetically sound your design is with regards to surface continuity, also called tangency. The Analysis section is your gateway to understanding the end result of your modeling. Many times while you're modeling, you think you're doing things perfectly, but once you reach the end, you take a step back and you see that what you created isn't quite you meant to create. The Analysis tools allow you to visualize how your model will be perceived by your end user. Now no computer program can replicate the visceral feeling of something in a person's…
