From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

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Analysis tools 2

Analysis tools 2

- [Instructor] Once you have a design, it's good to understand what you've actually created. Many times when I'm doing models, I have created something just perfectly, but then when I go back to actually look at what I modeled, I find out that it isn't probably the best optimized thing, for example, holding in somebody's hand. I've opened up the 5-2 example file, and I would invite you to do that as well. We have two bodies in here, a Section and Curvature, and a Draft Body. For right now, let's turn off Draft, and just look at Section and Curvature. We're going to be looking mostly at the Inspect tab right here. There's some dropdowns. Let's start off with Section Analysis. If you click on Section Analysis, it asks you which face you would like to choose. A Section Analysis allows you to see inside a cutaway of your object, but we have no flat faces upon which to put the Section Analysis, so turn on the Origin Plane, and then click on the X-Z plane. You see we're given an option…
