From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

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Alternate: Uploading an image template

Alternate: Uploading an image template - Fusion 360 Tutorial

From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

Alternate: Uploading an image template

- [Nick] Let's create the starter profile for the headphone hanger. I'm starting off with a blank design. In the Exercise Files for this chapter, Chapter Six, you'll find some image files. And what we're going to do is insert those as an attached canvas and create our initial shape. What I want you to do is go to Insert to Attached Canvas right here. That will ask you which plane you would like to put this on. Let's choose the front plane. You can see the front matches front up here. And then when you say Select Image, this will bring up a file picker. Want to go to Headphone-side and click on that one and click OK. That one is there. We can zoom in a little bit to see if this came in properly. And while it was attached to the proper plane, it did come in reversed. So there are these little hourglass here as well as down at the bottom, you can say Horizontal or Vertical Flip. If you click on Horizontal Flip, our number is now proper. I usually keep this at the Opacity of 50. Although,…
