From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

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Adding loft guide rails

Adding loft guide rails

- [Instructor] Rails are a way of controlling lofts even more. Lofts can create really complex shapes and rails are a way to control the lofts to do what you want them to do. I've loaded up the 2-14 Sample File and I would invite you to do so as well. We have a loft that's already created. If you open up the Sketches, you can see a circle going through a circle to a square but this isn't really what we want, we want to make this a little bit more interesting. So turn off the visibility of this body, just for a moment. All right, we want to control how these profiles loft together, so go to Create Sketch and what I want you to do is create a sketch on the front plane. When you click on that, it will reorient you to the front plane and we can kind of see three different profiles here. Those are the side views of those different shapes. Go to Create, Project Include, Project. Also hotkey P. So what this does under the Project button, Project is very often used which is why it's given its…
