From the course: Foundations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0)

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Revolution, climate change, and the big picture

Revolution, climate change, and the big picture

- A revolution can be defined as a dramatic and wide reaching change in conditions. When considering the cumulative consequences of the many changes that have already taken place in the first two decades of the 21st century and now occurring in the third, we appear to be in a period that meets this definition. Unlike previous industrial revolutions, the fourth revolution has no precedent in its degree of impact, scope, and velocity of change. And while so much of the progress I've discussed in this course has a positive trendline to it, there are reasons to have concerns too. The decisions that we collectively make over the next few years will define humanity's destiny for a long time to come. So many of those decisions will be ethical in nature. It won't necessarily be a question of whether we can do something, but rather a question of whether we should do something. With great power comes great responsibility. In many…
