From the course: Foundations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0)

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Exploring rapid digital transformation

Exploring rapid digital transformation

- So many of our activities today are almost 100% digital in nature. Take, for example, vacations. We can book flights and hotels, make dinner reservations, request ground transportation, get directions and share pictures and videos entirely on our smartphones. It's so normal now. We simply take it all for granted. In many instances too, not only are all the services available to manage digitally, but their delivery methods and business models have been completely reinvented. We're all living in a world where increasingly many of our needs are instantly accessible via internet connected devices. This transition from analog to digital experiences where hyper-connectivity and radical innovation rules is a product of digital transformation. Humans are changing the world through digitalization. But at the same time digitalization is also changing each of us. It does this by changing our expectations of what is possible.…
