From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Work with cell colors, patterns, and effects to emphasize data and provide visual flair

Work with cell colors, patterns, and effects to emphasize data and provide visual flair - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Work with cell colors, patterns, and effects to emphasize data and provide visual flair

- [Instructor] There's no question 2 that this worksheet that we're looking at is atypical. 3 Way overboard when it comes to the use of color. 4 But it does bring out some different aspects of using color. 5 First of all, the most common use of color 6 is simply to change the cell background color. 7 Now, that was done here in these cells 8 from B4 over and down to G5. 9 But let's suppose we want to use a different color. 10 Where do we go? 11 Home tab in the ribbon, 12 the Fill Color bucket, drop arrow, lots of choices. 13 And you quickly pick up on the idea 14 that it better be a light color, 15 otherwise you won't be able to read 16 the text in the background. 17 Another choice is standard colors. 18 Colors that you might have used recently can be here. 19 We can slide over them. 20 We get a good preview. 21 If none of these are quite what we want, 22 we go down to More Colors. 23 And on the Standard tab here,…
