From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Where does that cell get its data from?: Tracking down cell precedents

Where does that cell get its data from?: Tracking down cell precedents - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Where does that cell get its data from?: Tracking down cell precedents

- [Instructor] We're looking at a worksheet 2 that's a bit of a mess. 3 It's a work in progress, 4 we're trying to figure out what's going on. 5 We have figured out that cell L23, 6 the one with the yellow background, is important. 7 It's our grand total here. 8 And what we'd like to find out 9 is where is this cell getting its data from? 10 Let me zoom in on this using Control and the mouse wheel. 11 I'll double-click that cell, 12 and we see that it's picking data 13 from either cell L11 or cell K23. 14 Okay, let's press Escape. 15 We can go to that cell just to the left, K23. 16 I'll double-click there. 17 And we see that that's getting data out of two other cells. 18 The process of trying to figure out all the different cells 19 that contribute to this total 20 is going to take us some time, 21 and in larger worksheets than this, 22 imagine the task at hand. 23 So, the term we're looking for here 24 is…
