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Using source data from a table to make your PivotTable more dynamic

Using source data from a table to make your PivotTable more dynamic - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Using source data from a table to make your PivotTable more dynamic

- [Instructor] When you're working with a PivotTable 2 and the source data is dynamic, 3 it's advantageous to convert the source data to a table. 4 This particular data here is not a table, 5 I'm going to create a PivotTable from this, 6 and then contrast that action with data 7 that has been converted into a table. 8 So, this data, not a table, 9 we're going to create a PivotTable, Insert PivotTable. 10 From the data here, we're going to simply put this 11 on the existing worksheet, 12 click on the Location panel here, 13 and we'll put it in cell G1. 14 Click OK. 15 And from the PivotTable field list here, 16 I'm going to choose Department, 17 Status as a column labels area. 18 And we want to simply tabulate the number of employees 19 in each of these categories like this. 20 We can move the PivotTable field list aside, 21 and before going further too, instead of seeing row labels 22 and column labels here, by…
