From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Use the SUBSTITUTE and REPLACE functions

Use the SUBSTITUTE and REPLACE functions - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Use the SUBSTITUTE and REPLACE functions

- [Instructor] Excel has two text functions 2 that are similar in nature 3 and yet different the way we use them, 4 substitute and replace. 5 There are some code numbers in cell A3, A4, A5. 6 The substitute function allows us 7 to replace information based on content, 8 whereas replace, based on position. 9 Let me zoom in here with control in the mouse wheel 10 so we can see this more prominently. 11 I want to remove all the dashes here. 12 In other words, I want to replace the dashes with nothing. 13 We have the option of replacing 14 just the first dash, or second, or third. 15 We see some other examples. 16 Every time we see the red text here, 17 it indicates the kind of thing that we might want 18 to use this function for. 19 Equal substitute. 20 As soon as you see it in the list there, 21 you can double click or tab it into place. 22 We're looking at this text right here in cell A3, 23 comma, and, we want to…
