From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Use the new RANDARRAY function that replaces RAND and RANDBETWEEN

Use the new RANDARRAY function that replaces RAND and RANDBETWEEN - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Use the new RANDARRAY function that replaces RAND and RANDBETWEEN

- [Instructor] Excel has long had two random functions 2 available to us, rand and rand between. 3 They're listed out here in column H. 4 There's a new function available for those 5 who have Office 365 in the latest upgrades. 6 Introduced in late 2018, a new function called rand array. 7 And unlike the other two functions, this actually allows us 8 to create data in multiple cells at once. 9 Let's first of all, remind ourselves 10 what rand could be used for. 11 In this list in columns A through E, 12 it's sorted in descending order 13 by the sales entries in column E. 14 Now we might want to randomize the order of the list. 15 Sometimes you do that because you say, well, I want 16 to interview five people at random here. 17 Or we want to just review the data for five 18 of these records chosen at random, 19 just make sure the data's correct. 20 Or maybe we've got a door prize or something like that. 21 We just want…
