From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Use the IMAGE function to paste an image into a cell

Use the IMAGE function to paste an image into a cell - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Use the IMAGE function to paste an image into a cell

- [Instructor] On this worksheet, 2 we're seeing some images in column F, 3 but they're quite a bit different from images 4 you might have seen in the past. 5 These are here by way of a new function called IMAGE 6 and the visual information is actually being stored 7 in the cell rather than on the cell. 8 The IMAGE function, by definition, 9 returns an image within a cell. 10 If I click in the upper left corner 11 to select the entire worksheet, 12 make all the rows tall, 13 or I'll drag a row boundary, 14 look what happens to these images. 15 They grow with that change. 16 Now, as a reminder, if I jump out to a website right now 17 that has flags, here's one that I selected earlier. 18 I'll right-click on this flag. 19 I could've copied an image, jumped back into Excel, 20 pasted it right here with Ctrl V, 21 well, that's a bit too big, I'll resize it, 22 and fit it into a cell, 23 except I'm not really fitting…
