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Use dragging techniques to create a forecast based on TREND and GROWTH functions

Use dragging techniques to create a forecast based on TREND and GROWTH functions - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Use dragging techniques to create a forecast based on TREND and GROWTH functions

- [Instructor] On this worksheet, 2 we're seeing two sets of data identical in content 3 and two different charts. 4 Each chart has what's called a trend line. 5 The one on the left has a trend line called 6 a linear trend line, and the one on the right 7 has a trend line called exponential trend line. 8 Both of these techniques are starting points, you might say, 9 for analyzing existing data and potentially predicting 10 what's going to happen in the future. 11 Now, this is not a comprehensive discussion 12 of all the things you could be doing here. 13 It could involve ultimately using regression analysis, 14 but we do want to talk about trend and growth, 15 and they're often synonyms, linear and exponential. 16 Let's imagine that we've got two years of data. 17 We see it over in column B, also over in column M, 18 and we'd like to be able to predict 19 what might be happening over the next 12 months. 20 Say it's…
