From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Use CHOOSE to calculate fiscal quarters and as a VLOOKUP alternative

Use CHOOSE to calculate fiscal quarters and as a VLOOKUP alternative - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Use CHOOSE to calculate fiscal quarters and as a VLOOKUP alternative

- [Instructor] Excel's CHOOSE function has a number 2 of different applications, 3 and although sometimes it might be unwieldy 4 or a bit longer, 5 sometimes it does provide additional documentation. 6 On this worksheet here, we've got some date entries 7 in column A, and we're trying 8 to calculate the fiscal year quarter for each of these. 9 And in this organization, 10 based on the list we see to the right, 11 the fiscal quarter matches up 12 with the chronological quarter, 13 so first quarter January, February, March, 14 second quarter April, May, June, and so on. 15 And here's a formula in cell B2. 16 If you're a mathematician 17 or if you're pretty adept with using Excel functions, 18 you might write the formula this way, 19 and there's certainly nothing wrong with it. 20 And most of all, of course it does get the answers correct. 21 By the way, the MONTH function, 22 if you've never seen it before, 23…
