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Use AGGREGATE to avoid errors and ignore hidden data

Use AGGREGATE to avoid errors and ignore hidden data - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Use AGGREGATE to avoid errors and ignore hidden data

- [Instructor] One of Excel's most powerful functions, 2 and sometimes overlooked, is a function called AGGREGATE. 3 And it's ideal for dealing with situations 4 where you might have errors, 5 where you're trying to tabulate data from hidden rows. 6 The green and blue panels 7 that we see on the screen here represent some 8 of the many options that are available 9 as you use this function. 10 So I'm in kind of a hurry here, 11 and I'm going to come up with some totals. 12 Total service years, 13 it's based on the data in column E. 14 There are formulas there 15 that are calculating years of service. 16 And by the way, at the time you're looking at this, 17 some of these numbers might have changed 18 because this is dealing with the function called TODAY. 19 That's a moving target. 20 So as I'm recording these in August of 2023, 21 if you're looking at this later, 22 you might see different numbers there. 23 So…
