From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Two-way lookup using the MATCH and INDEX functions

Two-way lookup using the MATCH and INDEX functions - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Two-way lookup using the MATCH and INDEX functions

- [Instructor] In this worksheet, a variety 2 of Excel features are being pulled together 3 to give a somewhat vivid display 4 of finding information based on a list in column C. 5 Perhaps this is inventory. 6 It could be much larger or smaller. 7 And also some states across the top, 8 not all of 'em are listed. 9 It could grow. 10 It could include others. 11 Of course, it could be used for different examples, too, 12 across monthly data. 13 And what's also set up here are some pick lists 14 so that in, for example, A6, we can click a drop arrow 15 and see our list of inventory. 16 We don't have to do any typing here. 17 We'll scroll up and down and pick an item. 18 And as soon as we do, 19 watch the yellow row to the right move downward. 20 We can also vary this by state. 21 This is also a pick list. 22 These are easy to set up, and we'll show you how. 23 And when we make changes to either one of these, 24…
